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"Is there a concept more difficult to describe than love? To find an answer to the question 'What is love?' is as difficult as answering the question 'Who actually is it to whom I refer as I?'"

Love and "I" ... these are the most important values in life. One originates from the other, but they are still in contradiction to each other. True love makes us forget our own "I," yet love streams from the "I." Does love exist, or is it essentially always self-love?


True love is possible only on the solid foundation of wisdom, which precedes love. With wisdom, we find self-knowledge and are able to distinguish between self-love and selfless love, between erotic love and love for the true being of the other person.


Not all women are wise, but wisdom has a feminine form. She lives as a quality in both men and women who seek her. She is present to reshape every human intellect into a wise sureness if we ask her, if we love her, and if we seek her.


In ancient Egypt, she was called Isis. Ancient Greeks sought her as Sophia. She also appeared in a human form as Mary, which is how Christians know her. She pours herself into every soul that goes through catharsis and purification. Purification, however slight, gives wisdom--wisdom is a woman.

This book was originally published in Dutch as De wijsheid is een vrouw by Occident Media B.V., 2007.

Wisdom is a Woman, Mieke Mosmuller

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Halton Waldorf School

E.C and Grades 1-8 Campus

2193 Orchard Rd
Burlington, Ontario 
Canada  L7L 7J8


Phone: 905-331-4387

After Care Phone: 905-802-0919

High School Campus 

2254 Orchard Road

Burlington, Ontario 
Canada  L7L 7J8

Phone: 289-288-4570

Founded in 1984, Halton Waldorf School is an independent, accredited Waldorf school serving students in Burlington and the surrounding area. We offer programs from parent and child through grade 12. HWS is a place to grow intellectually, artistically and socially. Our early years programming is accredited by WECAN. Our grades 1 through 8 are accredited by AWSNA. 

Registered Charity Number: 119236586RR0001

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