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Holding the connection


May soul live in this house May it be permeated with spirit Seeking firm will In the depths So that devout consciousness May develop In every room of the building And so that from above The blessings of the spirit And the grace of the spirit May be able to unite In all who live within.

Rudolf Steiner

The short window in which COVID-19 has evolved catches us off guard at moments. Every day, we adapt to new information. At the same time, it seems impossible that we have already grown accustomed to such drastically different ways of interacting and teaching within our community.

Everything about our school has shifted – most notably with our distance education.  Waldorf schools across the world make mindful environments a priority for their students. In doing so, this helps to keep stress to a minimum and supports well-being and learning. Teachers, parents, and students from our school continue to explore best practices acquired through the Waldorf pedagogy to help inspire and create mindful environments at home. This strong sense of intention creates healthy routines and rhythms for children during this prolonged period of social isolation and school closure.

Waldorf distance learning encourages daily rhythm. Waldorf education strives to educate the whole child — head, heart, and hands — and to work toward the three ideals of truth, beauty, and goodness.

We remain committed to staying in touch and holding our connection.

Passover and Easter

Each year, like a symbol of the burgeoning spring itself, religious celebrations mark the season of the rebirth of the Earth. Hebrews celebrate Passover and Christians celebrate Easter.

Both festivals express the wonder of new things and the confidence in the regenerative power of human possibilities.  Whichever you celebrate, do it with all your hearts and with gratitude. Our continued well-wishes to you and your family.


Below, the video offers a glimpse into one of our family’s journeys. 

Thank you to Arne Rickert, Sarah Brodie, and Finn Brodie Rickert for allowing us to share.

In this video Equinox, see how one family turning this time at home into a creative prompt.

Arne says "Like each of you, I'm sure, we now find ourselves striving for continuity on the one hand but facing discontinuity (and uncertainty) on the other; trying to bridge the unaccustomed gap between the two parts of our lives (the home-bound and the seeking-outward), and perhaps most importantly, trying to draw meaning out of what might otherwise seem to be meaningless".


Prescribed by Goethe's mother Katharina Elisabeth Goethe 1731 - 1808

Take 12 months, scrub them clean of bitterness, avarice, pedantic spots and anxiety.

Divide each portion into 30 or 31 regular parts so that the supply suffices for a year.

Now prepare individually for each day:

1 part work

2 parts cheerfulness and good humour

Add 3 heaped tablespoons optimism

1 tablespoon tolerance and a pinch of time

1 peppercorn of irony

1 pinch of tact.

Now pour plenty of love onto the mixture.

This dish is decorated with small bunches of attention and served daily with joyfulness and a refreshing cup of tea.

Homemade Playdough

See if natural materials and play-dough will be enough for an afternoon of fun in your house. First, head outside and look for things to fill a nature basket with. Rocks, pebbles, fallen branches and leaves. 

What we like most about home-made play-dough, aside from the knowing exactly what I put into it, is having an opportunity to improvise: try mixing a tablespoon of lemon zest in, or add few drops of essential oils to increase the sensory experience. Our favorite oils to incorporate into this recipe are soothing ones like lavender, bergamot or frankincense.

As their little hands roll and cut and mold, the oil diffuses into the air making their playtime more calming. Adding the essential oil also promotes a more holistic learning experience as this activity engages multiple senses. Waldorf toys are left simple to give children an opportunity to strengthen their imagination and have open-ended games. Then a piece of bark can become a table, or a boat, or a door to the enchanted forest, the possibilities are inexhaustible! Collecting materials does not begin with a trip to the store, but with a walk in the woods to pick up acorns and leaves, branches and pine cones.

Recipe from Ms Jones:

4 Tablespoons Flour

2 Tablespoons Salt  


Put ½ cup warm water in a bowl

Add 4-5 drops colouring

1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

Add dry mix to wet mix

Stir, a lot

On a board, knead until smooth.                                                                      

It can be kept in the fridge tightly wrapped in a plastic bag for a little while. 

To bake, warm oven to 200F and bake on a sheet for about 5 – 6 mins

Parent Resources

Kim John Payne

Being at Your Best When it Matters Most”

The Compassionate Response Practice for Parent’s Emotional Self-Regulation There has been such kind outpouring of concern and information over these past weeks, helping people navigate the practicalities of life during these challenging times. We would like to add to that a tool for self care, to help keep our natural worries and anxieties in balance with our calm, quiet, and confident parenting.

20 minute audio series:

Snowdrops are we, petals three, you may see.

White, green, gold, we unfold, in the cold.

Words of cheer speak we clear, spring is near!

Grade 1 spring morning verse

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Halton Waldorf School

E.C and Grades 1-8 Campus

2193 Orchard Rd
Burlington, Ontario 
Canada  L7L 7J8


Phone: 905-331-4387

After Care Phone: 905-802-0919

High School Campus 

2254 Orchard Road

Burlington, Ontario 
Canada  L7L 7J8

Phone: 289-288-4570

Founded in 1984, Halton Waldorf School is an independent, accredited Waldorf school serving students in Burlington and the surrounding area. We offer programs from parent and child through grade 12. HWS is a place to grow intellectually, artistically and socially. Our early years programming is accredited by WECAN. Our grades 1 through 8 are accredited by AWSNA. 

Registered Charity Number: 119236586RR0001

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