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For most people, intelligence is a beloved talent and a capacity to be proud of. In schools, it is one of the first things to be examined. Diverse tests exist to measure the IQ quantitatively, and human intelligence sets the standard for artificial intelligence. No matter how ingenious artificial intelligence might become, however, there is not even a remote possibility that it can replicate human intelligence through technologically "living" artificial intelligence. Even the simplest human thought process requires endless sequences of decisions. Nevertheless, it is possible for machines to answer questions in less than a second that otherwise might take a a whole lifetime for human beings.


As an area of spirituality, however, intelligence is not acknowledged. There seems to be a view that intelligence is a field that must be abandoned if we want to penetrate the deeper wisdom of existence.


The author begins to prove the opposite. Intelligence is the mind itself, and by bringing the mind into activity--with no other purpose than this very activity--intelligence itself proves its spirituality. We really don't need a high IQ, though its level rises as a result of such activity. Moreover, we do not need faith, which will also emerge through this activity. The only thing we really need is some discipline to dedicate our time to intelligence--twenty minutes or so, twice each day.

This book was originally published in Dutch as Kunst des Denkens by Occident, Uitgeverij., 2016.

The Art of Thinking, Mieke Mosmuller

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Halton Waldorf School

E.C and Grades 1-8 Campus

2193 Orchard Rd
Burlington, Ontario 
Canada  L7L 7J8


Phone: 905-331-4387

After Care Phone: 905-802-0919

High School Campus 

2254 Orchard Road

Burlington, Ontario 
Canada  L7L 7J8

Phone: 289-288-4570

Founded in 1984, Halton Waldorf School is an independent, accredited Waldorf school serving students in Burlington and the surrounding area. We offer programs from parent and child through grade 12. HWS is a place to grow intellectually, artistically and socially. Our early years programming is accredited by WECAN. Our grades 1 through 8 are accredited by AWSNA. 

Registered Charity Number: 119236586RR0001

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